All GSLAC monthly member meetings will be associated with one of the practices held at Dog Sports at Kim’s, 1951 Townsley Lane, Caseyville, IL.
Sunday Practices are 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Board Meeting will be at 9 a.m., general meeting at 9:30 a.m.
Thursday Practices are 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Board meeting will be at 7 p.m., general meeting at 7:30 p.m.
See the Calendar page for details.
Click here for directions and a detailed map to Dog Sports at Kim’s 
Any changes to the meeting place, date or time will be sent in email through the GSLAC members yahoo group.
Club Objectives
To promote the sport of dog agility in conformity with the official rules and regulations and policies set forth by any such agility-related organization in which the Club membership elects to participate.
To protect and advance the interests in the sport by:
conducting at least two sanctioned agility tests or events per year under the rules of any agility-related organization approved by the club membership;
encouraging sportsmanlike competition at events;
engaging in public education and information efforts.
To allow all dogs, regardless of pedigree, including mixed breeds, to participate in Club agility classes. Participation in Club events shall be governed by rules of the organization under which the event is held.
To foster and promote responsible dog ownership.
To have fun.
Membership Voting Rights
Each member in good standing whose dues are paid for the current year shall be entitled to one vote per individual membership or two votes per family membership. A junior membership (under 18 years) is not entitled to vote.
Membership Classes
There are four classes of memberships: Family, Individual, Junior, and Associate.
Such memberships shall not be discriminated on the basis of race, creed, color or sex.
Membership Requirements
Following submission of an application form and payment of dues, a prospective member must attend two (2) membership meetings and work at one club activity. A waiver of the meeting requirements can submitted in writing, to the membership chair, for club board approval. The written request must give a valid reason (i.e. evening work schedule, etc.) If the waiver is approved by the club board, the applicant must work at three (3) activities, including, but not limited to sanctioned tests, practices, public training days and agility demonstrations.
When an application and appropriate dues are received by the membership chair a card will be sent to the applicant, to record membership requirements. A club member in good standing must sign the card as sponsor. The club member responsible for the required work activity(s) must sign as a verification of completion of the work. Upon completion of the requirements (2 meetings and 1 activity, or 3 activities) the card must be sent/given to the membership chairperson. At the next scheduled meeting the club board will review and make a recommendation to the general membership. Club voting on acceptance of the applicant takes place by secret ballot. All applicants and guests are asked to leave the room for voting. Applicants will be notified by letter of the ballot results.
An applicant is entitled to receive the monthly club newsletter, and to participate in the member-only practices generally held each Sunday morning (weather permitting) at Kim's Canine. The practice monitor will be published in the newsletter, along with any deviations to the schedule.
My dog told me:
"When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body."